Saturday, March 24, 2018

He's Worse than a Smoky House

I'm doing research on corvids (like magpies and crows) for my work in progress and found myself today looking at Shakespeare's references to ravens.  I came across this speech in Henry IV, Part I - Hotspur is speaking about a problem companion - one who is longwinded and who doesn't know when to leave the party. 

You might want to read this over a couple of times. I did and thought, whoa,  Shakespeare is as good as they say.  Thanks for stopping by.  Stay tuned...

I cannot choose: sometime he angers me
With telling me of the mouldwarp and the ant,
Of the dreamer Merlin and his prophecies,
And of a dragon and a finless fish,
A clip-wing'd griffin and a moulten raven,
A couching lion and a ramping cat,
And such a deal of skimble-skamble stuff
As puts me from my faith. I tell you what;
He held me last night at least nine hours
In reckoning up the several devils' names
That were his lackeys: I cried 'hum,' and 'well, go to,'
But mark'd him not a word. O, he is as tedious
As a tired horse, a railing wife;
Worse than a smoky house: I had rather live
With cheese and garlic in a windmill, far,
Than feed on cates and have him talk to me
In any summer-house in Christendom.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

For Your Listening Pleasure

Hi All -

I've had a lot of nice correspondence and interest from those of you in the UK who downloaded the e-book during AmazonUK's recent half term promotion.  I hope, if you're stopping by here, you've finished the book and liked it.

You'll know there's a key scene near the end where Miles plays some music on his iPod for a certain someone. The music has a tremendous effect on the listener. You might like to hear it yourself, so there's a link below to a particularly beautiful rendition. You might like to get your earbuds or headphones out for this.

I've become more and more grateful in the passing years for musicians and those who make it possible for them to share their gifts with us all. I say this as one with no musical talent whatsoever.

I hope you are having a restorative Sunday and that you will have few minutes to let Mr. Tchaikovsky and these players work their magic on you.